Changes to our interest rates

This page explains the latest changes and interest rates on our accounts.

What's changing?

How do I add a bonus rate to my Online Savings Account or Cash ISA?

If you already have an Online Savings Account or Cash ISA, you can opt into a new fixed-rate bonus as long as there is one available. You will not need to open a new account to get this bonus rate.

You can add any bonus rate we offer to your existing accounts at any time – even if you already have a bonus at a lower rate on your account. It will immediately replace any existing bonus you have and will be valid for 12 months.

To add or renew the bonus rate from your app or web browser:

  1. Log into your Marcus account at
  2. Select your Online Savings Account or Cash ISA account.
  3. Select 'View bonus options' shown under your account information.
  4. Review the details and select 'Renew your bonus'.

Where can I find more information?

The above details relate to the interest rate changes made on 7 November 2024. If you’re looking for information about past interest rates, visit our historical interest rates page.

The answers to our customers’ most frequently asked questions are on our help and support page.

If you have any other questions about your account, you can call us on 0800 085 6789. Our lines are open from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).