The Myers-Briggs Company & Marcus: What's your financial personality?

The Myers-Briggs Company and Marcus by Goldman Sachs have joined forces to devise a financial personality test to help you leverage your innate personality assets and achieve your financial goals. 


You’re probably already familiar with the tools The Myers-Briggs Company have created to help organisations and individuals across the globe understand their personalities, and enhance the way we all live and work together. 

How does the quiz work?

Just answer ten short questions about the way you spend and save, and your attitudes towards money in general. The quiz by The Myers-Briggs Company and Marcus by Goldman Sachs will do the rest, and take you straight to a rundown of your financial personality. You’ll get a clear view of your personality assets – the innate strengths typically found in those who share your financial personality. Right alongside those assets, you’ll learn new ideas for leveraging them to enhance the way you tackle your finances.

But have you ever applied a personality-led approach to managing your finances?

Now you can – with an exclusive quiz from the combined powers of Marcus by Goldman Sachs and The Myers-Briggs Company. It’ll only take a few minutes, and you’ll get insights you can use immediately to enhance the way you manage your money.

Peaceful money chats

Why not share the assessment with your loved ones and use the results to find new ways of bringing harmony to discussions about money? 

Money – it’s personal

Not everything in life fits on a balance sheet. And that’s a good thing. Your money doesn’t only serve your needs – it expresses your values.

Money is deeply personal. Our financial personalities impact the way we spend, save, and invest.

We now know that our attitudes toward risk, and to our finances more generally, are hard-wired into our personalities. Circumstances, and the people around us, may impact our financial management, but our basic personality is enduring.

There’s more to money than putting in X in order to extract Y. It’s about taking stock of the resources we have today, and asking how we can best use them to achieve the goals we have for tomorrow.

Yet one of the most important resources we have at our disposal can be overlooked by traditional approaches to finance: our own financial personality. We knew we had to find a way to make this personal resource available in a format that would allow people to apply new insights in the real world.

But how do you count personality?

Counting money is fairly straightforward (especially with today’s apps and tools). We wanted to bring you the same level of clarity on your financial personality as you’ve come to expect from today’s apps, and tools (not to mention your Marcus account dashboard).

That’s when we turned to The Myers-Briggs Company to bring combined experience and a toolset to help you use this most precious resource – your financial personality – to get you where you need to be.

Thinking about our personalities as resources doesn’t mean that we are machines. Instead, it’s about gaining insights into the assets that make up your financial personality, and learning how to leverage them as part of a holistic approach to your finances.

This content is for information only and is not advice. Views and opinions are the contributor’s own.

About The Myers-Briggs Company

The Myers-Briggs Company helps organisations worldwide improve teams, develop inspirational leaders, and solve the most perplexing people challenges. They empower individuals to be the best versions of themselves by enriching their understanding of themselves and others. As a Certified B Corporation, The Myers-Briggs Company is a force for good. And they’re ready to help you succeed.

Want to take the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality quiz? 


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